Monday, February 16, 2009

First, An Apology

Del Mar, near Hyperion, Silverlake

These delicious coconuts are not necessarily gross, so I'd like to offer them to you as an apology for waiting so long for me to post. I've been slacking this week, but I must tell you that the worshipers down the street have also been shirking their duty to the deity. There have been absolutely no offerings for the past week. Today, in fact, there was a plastic wrapper in the circle, as though to spite the deity who once was loved. But back to the coconuts. They looked really tasty until they filled with dirty gutter water, and now, rather than imagining myself sipping from one while lying in the shade of a palm on some tropical beach, I imagine a post-industrial collapse scene, where I must pour out the dirty water and scrape the coconut meat from the inside. I will tenderly chew the meat, then spit it into the mouth of my newborn so that he/she will survive while I hijack a tank and drive it toward the river. What river, I don't know. But I'm headed there.

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