Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another mystery totally solved.

If you read back through past entries you will come across a large number of homemade finger bandages we found bloodied in the grass every morning. Guess what? They weren't finger bandages at all, but leg bandages for a tiny Chihuahua that a pudgy man lovingly carried through the neighborhood in the wee morning hours. It was kind of him to discard them on our street every day, and give us a mystery to make life fun.
(Guest post by Andrew)


  1. Fine detective work there!

  2. I was hoping to do a special edition of Gross Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture my grossest encounters on camera -- flattened rat wedged between my flip flop and my flesh, taxi driver peeing into a plastic bottle (interrupted only by me trying to get a ride), and a few other tid-bits. I did however capture a bag of pee straight from a taxi to a nail on a telephone pole as well as some really, really gross mannequins if you are interested in a guest post!
