Between Intelligentsia (on Abbot Kinney) and Venice Beach
It's not that I don't endorse public haircuts. Quite the contrary. I feel like shedding those extra dead cells in the middle of the sidewalk is actually probably a pretty good idea. What makes this picture so delicious is the wetness of the clippings. Sitting on a dry sidewalk, this clump of hair has embraced its neighbors. You know, if its neighbors were pebbles, dirt, twigs, and probably a few strands of wayward dog fur. It's not like this hair is going anywhere either, and that's the mystery of this image. It was a professional haircut, by the looks of it: someone spent a lot of time ensuring it was cut with neat straight lines, then considerately swept it into a little pile afterward. So why did they leave it on the sidewalk? To make me hungry, that's why.